End of Term 3 Holidays
Congratulations to each and everyone of you on making it through an entire term of online learning. You are all absolutely amazing!!!!
The learning and improvement I have seen happen on our screens over the last 10 weeks has been unbelievable. I hope you take some time out over these holidays to celebrate the fantastic work you have done. We are all so very proud of you!!!!
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if there is anything at all you need. It's times like these we really are grateful to have our Love2Family behind us all.
Stay safe, have a wonderful music-filled school holiday break and we can't wait to see you back on our screens in two weeks!!! We miss you all SO much x
Guitar and Singing lessons will commence from Tuesday the 5th of October, 2021. It will be a 10-week Term for both instruments and will end on Monday the 13th of December, 2021.
Given the uncertainty of the current restrictions and rules around vaccination, we are planning for the worst-case scenario and will continue to conduct all lessons online until the end of the term. You will be scheduled into the same lesson time as you had online this term.
If there are any issues with this please email us no later than 25/9/2021 so we can make other arrangements for you.
If restrictions change and we are able to run face to face lessons then we will move to this asap.
Congratulations to everyone who has been engaging in online learning this term. The results have been beyond anything we could have imagined which is an absolute testament to the fabulous work ethic and positive attitudes you all have.
If you have missed lessons this term and want to jump back in for Term 4 then please email us by 25/9/2021 so we can schedule you in.
Term 4 invoices will be going out by the end of next week. They will only be sent to those who participated in online learning this term. Adjustments will be made for those who started part way through the term.
Really starting to feel like a broken record talking about concert rescheduling (do you all even know what a record is?).
Obviously, our concert won't be going ahead as planned on 23/10/2021. Unfortunately, restrictions and rules around vaccination aren't concrete enough for us to be confident to book a concert this year and the constant changing of dates really isn't fair on all of you. We need to book a date and know we can get excited about it!!
It's looking like Term 1 might be an ok option so we will chat to the Arts Centre over the holidays and see what we can come up with.
If you know of any clashes for Term 1, please let us know by 25/9/2021 so we can do our best to work around you.
Unfortunately none of our face to face Eisteddfods will be going ahead this year. This means our best option is to start looking forward to 2022.
The first competition of the year will be the Wollongong Bluescope Eisteddfod usually held in May. This competition is run very professionally with great adjudicators and pretty much runs perfectly on time (those who experienced the other disaster this year will know how important this is). It is definitely worth the drive.
If you are thinking of giving this one a go then be sure to let me know in week one of next term so we can start working towards it.
Stay safe, enjoy the sunshine and have a wonderful holiday break. We can't wait to see you back online next term.