After months of nothing but emails full of disappointment, here is one we are so excited to send out. We are absolutely bursting with excitement to announce that we will be returning to face to face lessons in the next two weeks!!!!!
We have made extensive calls to ServiceNSW to triple check everything and can finally outline our CovidSafe plan to return to the studio.
Please read the following information very carefully and don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or need any elements of our plan clarified. Our number one priority will be to keep staff, students and families safe especially as we lead into Christmas so it's essential that we work together to make this happen.
Face to face guitar lessons will return on the 25/10/2021. Your lesson will be at the same time as your current zoom lesson has been.
In order to ensure a safe return we will need to adhere to the following:
All students 16 years and over must be fully vaccinated to return to face to face lessons. Please email proof of this to no later than 22/10/2021 so we can update our records.
All students 12 years and over must wear a mask indoors as per the current guidelines from NSW health. If and when this rule changes we will send out an email to update this policy.
Only students who are booked to attend the lesson are permitted to enter the studio. The teacher will meet them at the glass door to ensure a safe handover. We ask parents and carers to take a 'kiss and drop' approach as much as possible to ensure there is no chance of congregation or queuing at the door. If you need to speak to a teacher, please email us at and we will arrange a phone call for you. Our primary goal is to limit any unnecessary interaction as much as possible. We ask that students please stay outside the glass doors until instructed to enter by their teacher. Obviously, we would make an exception in poor weather and ask them to sit away from the other students until the class has ended.
Hand sanitiser will be provided outside the door for students to use prior to entering. There will also be a bottle just inside the door and in the bathroom.
Students must sit on their allocated drama box at all times during the lesson unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. The drama boxes will be placed so they are at least 1.5m away from each other at all times. If you could please discuss the importance of this, particularly with our younger students, we would greatly appreciate it.
Students will be provided with wipes to clean down any hard surfaces (e.g. music stands, guitars) prior to use and at the end of the lesson.
Most importantly, please DO NOT attend lessons if you are unwell in any way. As a parent myself I understand how frustrating this can be, but ask you to please reach out if you are concerned that your child is unwell. If you can give us enough notice we may even be able to come up with an alternative arrangement for you.
Face to face in studio (not in school) lessons will return on 2/11/2021. Your lessons will be at the same time as they were prior to lockdown. If you could please confirm via email whether or not you will be returning to face to face lessons this term by the 22/10/2021 so we can get our schedule organised and email notifications of your lessons time out well before our return.
In order to ensure a safe return we will need to adhere to the following:
All students 16 years and over must be fully vaccinated to return to face to face lessons. Please email proof of this to no later than 27/10/2021 so we can update our records.
All students 12 years and over must wear a mask indoors as per the current guidelines from NSW health. If and when this rule changes we will send out an email to update this policy. There is an exemption that masks can be removed if annunciation or articulation needs to be modelled or modified. In this case, we would remove our masks only for that particular moment and return them as soon as that part of our learning is complete.
Only students who are booked to attend the lesson are permitted to enter the studio. The teacher will meet them at the glass door to ensure a safe handover. We ask parents and carers to take a 'kiss and drop' approach as much as possible to ensure there is no chance of congregation or queuing at the door. If you need to speak to a teacher, please email us at and we will arrange a phone call for you. Our primary goal is to limit any unnecessary interaction as much as possible. We ask that students please stay outside the glass doors until instructed to enter by their teacher. Obviously, we would make an exception in poor weather and ask them to sit away from the other students until the class has ended.
Hand sanitiser will be provided outside the door for students to use prior to entering. There will also be a bottle just inside the door and in the bathroom.
Students must sit on their allocated drama box at all times during the lesson unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. The drama boxes will be placed so they are at least 1.5m away from each other at all times. If you could please discuss the importance of this, particularly with our younger students, we would greatly appreciate it.
Students will be provided with wipes to clean down any hard surfaces (e.g. music stands) prior to use and at the end of the lesson.
Most importantly, please DO NOT attend lessons if you are unwell in any way. As a parent myself I understand how frustrating this can be, but ask you to please reach out if you are concerned that your child is unwell. If you can give us enough notice we may even be able to come up with an alternative arrangement for you.
Unfortunately, it does not look like we will be returning to our in-school lessons this year. If you are one of our in-school students and would like a face to face lesson (or maybe a few of them) before the end of the year please don't hesitate to reach out and we will see what we can do to accommodate you.
Spaces are incredibly limited, but we have missed so much time together that we will do whatever it takes to help get you back on track. In order to enter the studio, you would obviously need to adhere to the procedures above that apply to you.
In addition to the procedures we are asking you to follow, we will also ensure that the following steps are taken by our staff to keep you safe:
All staff must be fully vaccinated.
All staff will wear a mask indoors at all times, unless the previously mentioned exemption applies.
The studio will be cleaned with disinfectant/detergent before lessons commence for the day.
Weather permitting, we will have the doors and windows open as often as possible to allow plenty of natural ventilation.
Air conditioner filters will be cleaned regularly.
Door handles will be wiped down between lessons.
Sufficient hand sanitiser, soap, wipes and paper hand towels will be made available each lesson.
Unfortunately, there will be no big concert day as we had planned for 2021. We are working towards a few 'open studio' type events most likely after 1/12/2021 to make sure that everyone who wants to attend can attend. More information about that will come out in the next couple of weeks. There will be a few dates available so we should be able to accommodate everyone. If nothing else, it will be really lovely for everyone to catch up together.
Thank you again for your never-ending support during these trying times. It has been a difficult few months, but really so wonderful to finally be able to see that big bright shining light at the end of the tunnel. We can't wait to see you all step through those doors again, what a brilliant way to end such a tough year.